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What is a Life Group?


A Life Group is a small group of people who meet regularly to study the scriptures together.  These groups are a great place to ask questions and discuss the teachings of Jesus.  You can build authentic relationships with one another and help one another grow in faith.  Life groups include a time of prayer, a discussion about the previous week's study,  application of what was learned, and accountability.

Our life groups meet on a semester basis (fall, winter, and summer).  These semesters run between 10-13 weeks with a 4-6 week break.  All life groups study the same material, during the fall semester in conjunction with our annual fall focus campaign.  The winter and summer semesters cover varied topics of study and discussion.


Three Kinds of Life Groups

Discussion Groups

The most common kind of Life Group at Pond Hill Baptist Church is a discussion group.  These groups meet every trimester and are very topical.  They may include studying Book of the Bible, a person in the Bible, or a topic in the Bible.  Usually many different groups meeting at various times and locations throughout the week.  The Fall trimester begins in late September and runs through early December.  The Winter trimester begins in January and ends in April.  The Summer trimester begins in May and ends in August.

Support Groups

Support groups are more specific.  They usually offer support within a particular area of life.  These groups still include Bible study and discussion but may also include video in instruction from other sources.  The types of Support groups we offer periodically as GreifShare, Crown Financial, Marriage enrichment, parenting classes, etc. 

Lecture Groups

Lecture groups are more lecture-driven than discussion-driven.  There is usually a time for question and answer, but the bulk of the group focuses on specific teaching.  The types of lecture groups we offer are Bible Study Skills, Discipleship 201, Apologetics, Bible Surveys, etc.

Pond Hill Baptist Church

85 Pond Hill Rd

North Haven, CT 06473


(203) 239-7708 - Office

(866) 668-6218 - Fax


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